Well he's here!! I know its a little behind as he came June 9th, but he's HERE!! and we couldn't be happier, he is such a perfect little angel, and we couldn't possibly love him any more than we do. He is just the perfect addition to our family, and so far such a perfect baby.
Delivery was stressful, they hooked me up to the machines and his heart beat was gone.. SO scary! the nurses were panicking and calling the delivery doctor in who started talking c-section so an iv was stuck in my arm right away just in case. The worst part was that I wasn't even really in labour at that point, my contractions were barely there (nothing different than they had been the last 2 months), but after that scare they moved me into a delivery room at 8:30 and sure enough contractions started happening close together and hurt terrible, I guess my body knew this baby needed to be out!
Worst part was the doctor and the wonderful doctor who gives epidurals were in doing a c-section so no drugs for me, not even morphine since his heart beat was dropping they couldn't even give me that. Im a WUSS, not afraid to admit it so it was the worst thing ever. Or well i should say the worst 7 mins of my life ( i guess that really isn't to bad). But at 9:57 I knew I had to push and at 10:00pm my water broke and at 10:03 out was our little angel. Good thing the nurse was there to catch him because the delivery doctor wasn't yet..
Brenner came out making his mark in the world, and came out peeing, not crying or upset at all, just super happy and content. Which is how he's been ever since he came out, he's such an amazing baby.
He was 8 lbs 8 oz 20.5 inches long, and has been one hungry boy since coming out, he's definitely going to be nice and chubby!!
The girls LOVE him, Hailyn actually could care less he's even here, she just gives him kisses and hugs and every once in a while says "let me hold him" and Rylee is a professional baby holder and wants to cuddle him all day long. She's such a great little mommy! And timing couldn't have been better, Jordan flew in tuesday june 7th at 10:30 and Brenner was born Thursday June 9th at 10:03. I couldn't have done all this without him, and i'm SO happy he's been able to take the time away from work in Halifax to be back home with us.
And then for the "After" delivery....
At the hospital they ended up pumping me full of 5 L of extra fluids.. not ideal for anyone since your body has a ton of excess fluids they need to get rid of anyway.
So my feet, ankles, legs, fingers, lets say pretty much everything started swelling up and hurting. I had no clue it wasn't really normal, and then I wasn't able to breathe and it felt like I had a HUGE weight on my chest making it impossible to get any air. So I went to the doctor got an x-ray found out I had fluid building up in my lungs and he told me I needed to get into the ER and offered an ambulance, I decided just to go in on my own with Jordan driving me.
I guess I should have chose the ambulance since I got in they took my vitals and started calling doctors and "teams" to the Code room that they rushed me off to. Scariest most stressful thing ever! But I guess when you cant breathe and have next to no pulse and are seconds away from passing out they don't mess around. I had 4 nurses sticking things to my body, portable x-ray machines, ultrasound machines and pretty much everything stuck to my body. They ended up giving me a shot of something in my IV making me release 5 lbs of fluid while I was in that room, plus at least another lb or 2 after I got moved into another room.
I still don't feel wonderful yet and back to my normal self, my chest still is sore among not feeling great for other reasons. But thankfully Jordan was able to move his flight around and stay longer than we had planned to be here to help out. I guess just one day at a time is how were going to have to take it, and hopefully soon I can be back to feeling normal again, and hopefully somehow forget the stress and toll being in the hospital had on me. Its definitely not fun having a brand new baby, 2 other little kids at home and then hearing words like "life threatening situation" and "code room" ect..
But in all reality I look at my beautiful baby and would go through every bit of pain and do it all over again just to have him here. Knowing he is healthy is what really matters and I couldn't be happier to have him part of our family. Things definitely feel much more complete having a little boy added to our girls.
I LOVE HIM!!!! THank you for letting me hold his little body tonight! I want to sit down and enjoy him! Love ya Kim... great job!
Kim that is so scary, I am glad everything is okay. He is so beautiful.
Congrats Kim and fam, he is so beautiful! I am so glad you are all well!
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